Book Title: Fool's Quest
Series: The Farseer Chronicles
Author: Robin Hobb
Amazon Link: Click here
Fitz Forever! This would probably be a good place to let you know that I'm a long-time fan of Robin Hobb’s novels. The Farseer Chronicles is a series that is frequently spoken of in the same breath as G.R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones books and for good reason. So of course I was thrilled with the new release of book 8 in the series, Fool's Quest. The story begins in book one titled Assassin’s Apprentice. Primarily following the life and travails of a young bastard of the royal line and his remarkable friendship with a fortune-telling fool in motley of the King’s court. Ugh, what a terrible way to summarize such a complex, rich storyline but I hate to give even the smallest of spoilers away.
This new release, Fool’s Quest is book 8 of the series, however, there are two spin-off series which are a larger part of the story. I would recommend anyone who wants to start these books begin from the beginning and read through the entire 15 book series. Yes I said 15!! Oh joy! If you’re like me, you hate reaching the end of a Beloved series and finding there’s nothing left to read. These books will keep you going for a long time. I’m excited for you before you even begin.
This is a beautifully written story, and the latest volume is a worthy addition. As an adventure it is exciting and compelling, but I think fans of the books will find real satisfaction in the chapters dealing with Fitz and his personal relationships with his friends and family. Chapter 8 in particular left me with tears of joy. Mrs. Hobb has held off on the fulfillment of a story arc that fans have wished for from the first and it was worth the wait. What strikes me most when I read this series is how deftly the emotional attachment between reader and character has been crafted. I am truly fond of these characters in ways that surprise me. That is a rare gift as an author which Mrs. Hobb has in spades. One that I am thankful for. I’m so glad I found these books. I can’t wait for the next installment.
Bonus link: Visit Robin Hobb's webpage for a complete listing of books in the series here.
Spotify Song for this book: The Call by Regina Spektor
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