Book Title: The Unraveling, Volume One of The Luminated Threads: A Steampunk Fantasy Romance
Series: The Luminated Threads
Author: Laurel Wantrow
Amazon Link: Click here
Disclaimer: I received this free book from NetGalley in exchange for an un-biased review.
An unexpected, diverting read. I've never read a "steampunk" novel before. I've been to Comic-con, so I'm familiar with cosplay (even forced my kids into it a couple of times before they were old enough to protest ha!), and so I know with what Steampunk is. Love it! I love all the whirly gigs and dials, the intricacy of it. I'm also a sucker for any media based in England in the 1800's. I can't get enough of it. So I applied to get a review copy of The Unraveling from NetGalley, greatly anticipating my first foray into the world of Steampunk fiction.
This book was not what I expected. The first couple of chapters were definitely interesting. Annmar is a young woman with considerable talent in drawing. She is an artist and is particularly skilled with graphic arts. She works for a commercial advertising company, and is quite a remarkably independent young woman. Especially considering the times she is living in. She's an interesting girl, and there are hints of a paranormal history inherited from her mother. Annmar can see things no one else can and these otherworldly elements make their way into her lovely artwork. She accepts a job with a farm in her Mother's hometown, partly to escape a difficult situation at work, and partly to learn more about her family's clouded past.
At this point the author switches locales to that farm and we are introduced to a new group of characters ... shapeshifters. What the what?! I was a little thrown. I felt lost. I didn't understand a lot of the terminology and I have to admit it was a little hard to follow a whole new group of people and what felt like a sudden shift in pace. I really wanted the story to get back to Annmar and fast! Thankfully she wasn't long away from the focus of the story, and the shapeshifting characters eventually started to grow on me. By the end of the book I must admit I was hooked. I was sorry to realize that this is only the first book of the series, and the next one is not out yet! Wait, I've just gotten to like these characters! Now that I know them, I need to find out what happens next? I'm definitely reading the next in the series. Looking forward to it.
In a nutshell, if you are familiar with Steampunk fantasy I'm sure you will enjoy this book. If you are a newbie to the genre like me, be aware there can be a bit of a learning curve but don't let that deter you. Stick with it. It's enjoyable. The only caveat, I wish this book came with smell-o-vision. I'd pay good money for a whiff of the peach preserves that opens Annmar's eyes to her prodigious gifts of sight.
Spotify Song for this book: Rose of May - Erutan (FFIX cover)
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