Book Title: Passenger
Series: Passenger Series
Author: Alexandra Bracken
Amazon Link: Click here
Disclaimer: I received this free book from NetGalley in exchange for an un-biased review.
Time travel must be tough. To write that is. I can’t imagine the hurdles an author has to go through to make the science stick. Not to mention making it just fantastical enough without becoming completely unbelievable. On the other hand, the reader has to put a great deal of trust in an author. If I keep reading, if I suspend disbelief for just a bit longer will this be worth it? In the case of Passenger by Alexandra Bracken your trust is well founded.
A young girl, Etta Spencer, is suddenly drawn back hundreds of years through time to confront a destiny she was completely unaware of until this moment. Etta herself is a great character. Too often lately, authors are trying so hard for their lead to be portrayed as a “strong, female lead”, what we end up with is a girl so far from normal, unearthly, preternaturally accomplished that it’s hard to relate to the character. Etta Spencer is much more real. She is confused, sickened and frightened by her situation. She doesn’t have any special fighting skills to lean on (I swear if I read about one more teenage girl who (surprise!) is a genius with a bow and arrow I’m going to scream!). What she does have is determination, fierce loyalty to the people she loves and a firm sense of right and wrong. Those things will serve her well in the future, or in the past. Ha! I also like the way Ms. Bracken writes the men in her books. Nicholas is a complex character. I love that Ms. Bracken’s books are always so diverse. As an African-American this comes into play with Nicholas. The time he lives in has worked on him in ways that leave him understandably insecure but he is still a very principled and hardworking person. A match for Etta if there ever was one. Will they end up together? Unknown at this point. *wink wink*
I’m a fan of Alexandra Bracken’s, since I read her Darkest Minds series and this new series is just as promising. The story did bog down a little bit in the middle. Is it because I’m an older woman that I wasn’t swooning for the make-out sessions? Instead, I found myself yelling at them “For goodness sake's people, get moving! TIME is running out!” Well that in and of itself is testament to how invested I was in the story. For those of you looking for a little romance to temper the fantasy, this book is a good one for you. Ms. Bracken certainly knows her audience and delivers just what they like. I enjoyed the story, and am looking forward to the next installment of the series, Wayfarer. Which can’t come soon enough for this reader.
Bonus link: Here’s a treat – a Pinterest board by Alexandra Bracken with photos and artwork that inspire or are inspired by Passenger – fashion to die for! Click Here! Enjoy!
Spotify Song for this book:Edge of the Ocean – Ivy
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